Espace 4 radio amplifier problem EN-1225W

Renault Espace 4 radio/audio system consist of several elements.
In my car radio and CD control are in the dashboard (see No. 1) when radio receiver, audio amplifier located under dashboard (in the front of passenger seat (see No. 2)).
Espace 4 dashboard (1-radio/CD control, 2-radio receiver/amplifier)

Radio/CD control and amplifier

There are lot of issues from customers when (a) radio signal lost and appears sometimes, (b) poor audio quality which sometimes recover.

Solution: check amplifier electronics. In my case, there was resistors re-soldered (8 resistors in amplifier circuit and 4 in radio circuit). Because resistors are really small, I bring amplifier to electronic engineer and he with his magnifying glass immediately saw detached resistors. it cost me 10 EUR.
In red squer re-soldered resistors (R530, R532, R576, R541, R542, R534, R535, R575, R235, R233, R157, R143)

Side view of EN-1225W amplifier straight from dashboard at is was mounted

Backside of amplifier
another side of amplifier
Top of amplifier
